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Radiant Falcon Game Vision: Report 000 (Background and Mission Statement)

My name is Aria S., alias: Radiant Falcon. I have been on the internet for as long as I can remember and playing video games even longer. I have over 26 years of experience playing games and frankly there's a lot I wish to share.

the mission statement of this blog isn't simply to give out a score to games that, frankly, do not deserve 10s out of 10s (looking at you Last of Us 2). nor is the goal to scorn games that have had no chance to even be considered a good game. Hell I'm not even sure if you can classify this as a review blog in the first place, because what I really like doing are editorials, compare and contrasting games, and countdown lists.

573-CX4-97A Iris Northe
character design by RFGV
art by CoffeeBandit

But of course, I happen to have a partner in this mission, the Alia to my X. the Ciel to my Zero. to the right is the replica droid Iris Northe. she will be appearing throughout these pages, in an effort to provide her own commentary. The canonical explanation is that, while she is based on Iris from Mega Man X4 (and most recently Mega Man X DiVE), her code and design were heavily modified to operate as her own being. a full background for this OC will arrive eventually.

(as a note: she will be voiced in the eventual video by my good pal Nyxie08 on twitch. go check her out if you haven't already.)

I will be linking relevant supplementary material (i.e. videos and articles) as well as sources for research, so if you want to learn more about a particular subject or just hear about it from another point of view, then at the end of each article feel free to hit up those videos.

Stay tuned. there's a lot more to come.
